Malham Circular Back to Settle and Malham

Walk 1 - Malham Circular - 5 miles - 3 hours. This is the classic family Malham walk taking in the awe inspiring spectacles of Malham Cove, Gordale Scar and Janet's Foss. This has more features crambed in than any other short walk - Park in National Park car park in Malham village or arrive by bus. The paths are very generally good but due to the nature steps and the rocks on the top of the cove stout footwear is essential for this otherwise un-demanding walk!

Malham Cove
Limestone pavement above the Cove

On leaving the car park proceed through the village keeping left at the road bridge. Follow the road for 1/4 mile and as the road rises up hill take the National Trust footpath which veers off to the right. Malham Cove soon comes into view. Pass through a gate along the well surfaced path leading to the foot of the Cove. Take care on the slippery rocks on the last section. Retrace steps slightly to the junction in the footpath and bear right to follow the path and steps steeply up the right hand side of the cove (at least 300 steps but could be 400!!). The path emerges at the top of the cove where the limestone pavements must be negotiated (be extremely careful with small children). Directly at the other side of the pavement the path continues onwards across a stile and fields eventually crossing a minor road with a stile. Cross the stile on the far side of the road and continue along the path now following to the left of the wall. Pass through a gate in the wall and steeply down a grassy slope to meet the minor road at Gordale Bridge. Turn left along the road for 200m and then pass through a gate on the left and along a track towards Gordale Scar. On turning the corner an impressive sight awaits. This is a collapsed cavern with towering cliffs on either side and a series of waterfalls cascading down. Proceed as far as the waterfall. Believe it or not the path continues beyond this point clambering up the rocks but not for today.

Retrace steps back to road and turn right. Approximately 200m after the bridge turn left along the surfaced footpath at the National Trust Sign to quickly reach Janet's Foss waterfall. Take care here as it can be slippery. Continue onwards along the surfaced path through the woods and then fields to return to Malham village. Back to Settle and Malham

Malham Cove  
Gordale Scar


This page was last updated on 13-May-2020

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©John Carey 2010